Sasithorn Sritanavanich
There are many available choices of transportation in our university such as shuttle buses, motorcycle taxis, and personal cars. During rush hours, the traffic inside the university is pretty heavy, so most students would prefer riding their bicycles as an alternative. It is cheap, fast, and does not cause any environmental problems. If we have a good management system that can provide places for bicycle pool stations throughout the university, it would give so much convenience to those students who are using the bicycles and to those who are planning to do so.        Bicycle Pool System with RFID via Wireless Network is the rent-and-return bicycle system provided for students in the university. Money must be deposited into their student accounts, and then their student IDs will be use as a key card for the system. Each bicycle pool station will send the information directly to the main sever via the university’s wireless network. This server will act as the central database that will process and collect those data. Furthermore the system administrator also has access to the entire database via web interface.        By using Bicycle Pool System with RFID via Wireless Network, students can rent and return bicycles at the closest station available at that time. This advantage can decrease traffic problems occurred during rush hours as well as reduce the environmental effect from traffic pollution.